Monday, January 26, 2009

Blog 1 ('s Persuasion Techniques)

This is a link to an article about's search for models. When reading over the article I noticed some things relating to the chapters we've covered about PR. The external publics are all of the aspring models, especially those who like and wear's clothing and also young models who are into urban style, which is what sells. DrJay' needs to reach out their message to that specific audience. They need to use the right persuasive guidelines. Aspring models belong to a social group in which can take into consideration when persuading. Newsom, D. & Jaynes, J. (2008) mention the concept of individuals belonging to groups with social norms. To acknowledge these norms would be beneficial in the persuasion process.

One of the key elements of persuasion is first the chance for the apsriring models to not only just acheive their dream and get their "fifteen minutes of fame," but also, there's the whole trip thing that works as a great persuasive tool. The two chosen winners (one female and one male) will fly to San Diego to the studio, so for those who haven't ever been to San Diego, or want to go again, this may improve their likelihood to apply for the model search. uses a motivational approach to their campaigning because the message offers a reward for accepting and responding to it. This reward will be particularliy beneficial to aspiring models who have worked hard in a tough industry, just trying to be discovered by the right people. On Maslow's hierachy of needs, this reward will fall in the two most abstract of categories, the need for self esteem or actualization. Here you will find Maslow's loose definition of the term self-actualization. Maslow mentions the full use of one's talents to be considered self-actualization.

To see the website, click here. And click here to see terms and conditions and videos for the model contest on

Getting the message across is definately helpful to Their message can be found at a quite a few websites. If you type in " model search" in, plenty of news sites, magazine and newspaper sites, as well as blogs, will show that exact search. They're definately getting their message across. The articles are found in magazines probably read by the particular social group plus other magazines and even the NY Times.

Though just presenting the message is only the beginning. Newsom, D. & Jaynes, J. (2008) tell us that the audience still needs to attend to, comprehend, yield, retain the new position, and act on the message. For an example, these advertisements are all found online, those who do not have internet access will not view the message. Those who do not read magazines or newspapers, will not read the message. Moreover, the audience may or may not comprehend the message. The message is written in comprehensive language, but in English. This could eliminate all potential non-English speaking audiences.

I've seen that uses positive persuasive techniques and remains honest in their tellings (well as far as I can tell). I think this announcement is a good example for using persuasive techniques towards a particular audience.